
Idées 3Com, France - E-shop evaluated with 3D visualization

With the first fully integrated virtual clothing boutique Idées 3Com, has managed to create a combination of the virtual and the real world for the label "Victoria Couture”. The customer can purchase for example clothes with the advantages of the classic E-commerce on the one hand, and use the advantages of a real fashon boutique on the other hand. This includes an inspection mode for the product, personal contact with the seller and simply fun while shopping.

The prerequisite for such applications is a 3D visualization software, which in addition to a high quality convincing 3D animation, also offers to “play” real time rendering on the internet. The 3D animation should match as close as possible to the reality which means that the pictures of rooms and objects, for example, textures and surfaces, should be photorealistic. Wood must look like wood, stone like stone and when applied to a Fashion Boutique - cloth like fabric. Also there should be shadows in moving virtual models of the products as well as persons represented as avatars. The 3D e-commerce solution is connected to the ERP backend systems for the automatic checkout process.

Above all a fast 3D renderer on consumer PCs is needed for the interactivity, supporting the fast 3D models of garments and accessories in real time to bring to the monitor. Modern viewers and also the visualization software must also use the Internet which mainly means that even large volumes of data must be represented online. Since these conditions with the 3D visualization software BS Contact can be achieved, the French developer of interactive 3D applications has decided for the 3D software provider Bitmanagement Software GmbH in Berg near Starnberg for marketing activities on the Internet.

Used Viewer: BS Contact