

    Bitmanagement Feature Labs

Navigation Lab

There are several navigation modes available :
- WALK: as the name says (gravity is on)
- SLIDE: as the name says (gravity is off)
- EXAMINE: click and drag to rotate the scene
- PAN: click and drag to look around (has a limit on the top and the bottom for a more "human" feeling
- GAME: Quake or Unreal type of navigation. See the official GAME mode documentation for seeing how it works.
- FLY: same as walk but without gravity
- JUMP: the cursor becomes target-shaped, and if you click on an object, you move to that location. However if you drag the mouse, it acts like PAN
- WALK_PLANE: deprecated alias of WALK
- FLY_PLANE: deprecated alias of FLY
- ORBIT: deprecated alias of EXAMINE
- LOOKAT: deprecated alias of JUMP

Plus, the mode "NONE" disables the user navigation (you could use it for a slideshow or a trailer animation for example).

Additionnally, if you add "_RESTRICTED" at the end of a navigation mode, the user will not be able to change of mode.

Two other thing influence the navigation: collision detection and gravity.

Using CTRL+Shift+C or the right-click mouse menu, the user can enable/disable collision detection with objects (aka avoid to go "inside" objects). However, the content author can specify that some object are non-solid using the Collision node, so that the user can go thru objects like water while still colliding with trees. The author can also forbid the user to change the collision detection using the Browser object. The collision test can be done by testing with the bounding box of objects, or using a ray collision for a more precise test (this can be set using the Browser object too).

The user can enabled/disable gravity using CTRL+Shift+G or using the right-click mouse menu again. The content author can forbid the user to change the gravity test too.

Other useful navigation helpers are available in the right-click menu such as "straigten up" or "reset" (content authors can also call them using vrmlscripting). Read the documentation for the full list of shortcuts and keys.
Navigation mode :